Saturday, June 20, 2009

Transient Wisdom

Just now a homeless guy (with a 40 oz bottle of Malt Liquor) walked up on me and asked if he could bum a smoke. I handed him my pouch and told him to roll one up. As he was doing so he told me that an "Old Cowboy" once told him that when a man owns a saddle he knows that saddle for life. I didn't quite know what he was getting at. I replied, "A good saddle means a lot to a cowboy." He said, "Yep, that's why you should never steel a man's saddle. It's like a fingerprint." he said. "The Cowboy will spot that saddle from a mile away."

I'm not sure if he was speaking from experience or even what side of steeling a man's saddle he may have been on.

One thing's for sure. You never forget the good ones.

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